Sunday, October 20, 2013

On freedom

One might argue for the necessity of freedom. You ask why is freedom important? What values must you weigh when discussing the validity, importance, consequences, costs, or tradeoffs of freedom? These are things that can be compared when you are arguing against freedom. When do you weigh the benefits of freedom against the costs it imposes and when do these costs take precedent? What other kinds of values clash against freedom and why are they more important? If you can defend these values and argue why they are more important, you will win the debate over freedom.

What values are more important than freedom? Security: The assurance that one can and will in relative safety without exposure to unnecessarily probabilistic chances of danger or harm. But what price is one willing to pay to obtain this assurance and against what backdrop of freedom? How far are you willing to go to ensure your safety?

You must answer these questions in formulating your own response and your position. You must have set a line down of what you feel is an appropriate cost to pay for assurance and why that must govern the nature of the debate.

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